As an investor in distressed homes, it doesn’t bother me to go check on a potential investment that is run-down or doesn’t look tidy from the street. But, I won’t chase a deal if I can’t imagine how the house will “pop” for home buyers after I complete the necessary renovations. That’s because most home buyers make a split-second decision about whether or not they want to spend more time getting to know a home for sale based on its curb appeal. From simple upgrades to expensive landscaping projects, there are thousands of ways to increase a home’s character and charm. However, I’ve discovered one affordable solution that has proven its return for my investment properties time after time—installing the right deck railing for the home’s style.

Many home buyers these days say that outdoor living space is as important to them as indoor space. They desire outdoor entertainment spaces such as sitting rooms, elaborate kitchens, and fire pits. Creating these outdoor spaces requires detailed exterior functionality and careful integration of the architecture with the landscape. Since each buyer’s lifestyle and taste will differ, it’s best to let them add these pricey elements themselves. But you can help them imagine the possibilities of this space in their new home by adding a stylish railing to set the mood for their dream deck.

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Tips to Increase Buyer Interest When Renovating Investment Properties

When rehabbing and staging an old house to sell, it’s important to think about the era and style in which it was originally built and how it will be used today. I mean, you wouldn’t want to add postmodern elements to a Craftsman-style bungalow or Gableboard trim to a city brownstone, would you? Luckily, there are a variety of deck railing styles to enhance nearly every kind of investment house that you want to embellish to add marketability and value. Let’s take a look at some railing design ideas:

  • Modern veranda railings. Most of the investment homes I renovate are older, built in the era of Mid-Century Modern design which was prominent between 1933 and 1965. These homes are characterized by open floor plans with lots of straight lines and angles. For modern verandas, I find that vertical cables, metal railings, and glass panels are the most aesthetically popular choices among home buyers.
  • Environmentally-conscious designs. Many homeowners have added environmentally-friendly design features to their house over the years, regardless of the original style and it remains a favored feature for home buyers. These houses may have natural elements highlighted, such as rustic colors, lush, native landscaping or a mountain location. There are two main attributes that you will want to keep in mind when selecting a deck railing for environmentally-focused homes: Maintaining both the natural color scheme and not obstructing any natural views from the deck. Metal railings or balusters can accomplish both. Of course, if you want to complement the natural setting, you can mix metal balusters with wood rails to bolster design engagement with the landscape. Just be sure to select a rail color in popular earth tones, rust, or bronze in keeping with the style.
  • Curved balusters. For a home that was built in a more traditional style, or even renovated into a combination of traditional and modern styles, curved balusters can augment its unique personality. Curved balusters are often made of steel, providing a streamlined and elegant look. For an added awe-factor, you can add some outdoor lighting features such as lighting accents on the railing post caps. In fact, I recommend adding at least a little bit of lighting, as exterior lighting is one of most wanted features for home buyers.

Regardless of the style of your investment house, adding smartly-designed deck railings can boost home buyers’ interest. Consider it a small cost in your overall home staging budget. It not only delivers better curb appeal and buyer interest, but could also add to your overall ROI.

Getting Your Investment House Sold Fast

As a Development Agent and HomeVestors® franchisee, I mentor other real estate investors in best practices and strategies for getting their rehabbed houses sold in short order. After all, that’s the basis for getting ahead in investing. Installing deck railings to improve a property’s aesthetics and buyer appeal is just one of many tips that I give to my mentees. But, newer investors always have questions when learning the ropes and I am dedicated to answering them. If you are a newer investor and feel the guidance of an experienced hand could help you achieve more, feel free to reach out to HomeVestors®. They would love to share more ideas and strategies with you!


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