How to Get Qualified Real Estate Investor Leads

Discover the best tips to generate high-quality business opportunities.

Business Development Leads for Real Estate Investors

Some real estate investment authorities suggest that any lead can be qualified, but at HomeVestors®, we believe your time is valuable. Therefore, we’re selective about how we classify a real estate investor lead and what sources we recommend.

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Below we share a few examples of common lead generation tactics, along with their pros and cons.

Sheriff’s Auctions

A sheriff’s auction is when the local municipality auctions off houses that have gone through foreclosure. This is one of the most popular ways to find leads.

  • PRO: The information is publicly available from the owner (the owner, in this case the repossessing agent, is the bank).

  • CON: The bank has no preference on who it sells the house to and, sometimes, whether it sells at all. Simply put, there’s no motivation behind the deal.

Searching Advertisements

Whether online or in print, many owners choose to sell their houses independently through advertising. These leads are generally “low-hanging fruit.” Because these sellers are easy to find, buyers are plentiful. 

  • PRO: Information is readily available.

  • CON: These opportunities lack exclusivity and a public ad or listing attracts competition.

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Reliable, Qualified Leads for Real Estate Investors

HomeVestors® invests in marketing and lead generation. Our nationally-recognized We Buy Ugly Homes® brand offers our franchise owners credibility and a steady cadence of inbound leads. From digital and direct mail to billboards and television advertising, HomeVestors’® fully-integrated marketing campaign generates marketing qualified leads and delivers value to our network of real estate investors.

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